Member Spotlight

City Park Conservatory, Randy Odinet, Vice President & Chief Planning Officer

Thanks to GNOEA member George Messing, Owner Messina’s Catering, for hosting this week’s networking event for GNOEA members at the The Basin St. Station!

Randy Odinet is the Vice President and Chief Planning Officer of City Park Conservatory.  Randy shared the vision of what City Park Conservatory is planning on being in the works over the next few years. City Park is a 1300 acre state owned park that requires having a master plan. He stated they are in the planning stage for the master plan. They selected Michael Van Valkenburgh & Associates to put together the plans. The master plan would improve access for visitors, safe areas for pedestrians and cyclists, manage existing facilities, and improving the lagoons and lakes. Some ideas they have for the south area of the park is to add bike lanes, sidewalks, solar panels over parking lot for lighting, and possibly some electric mobility options for visitors to access other areas of the park. They brought in ecologists to look at the park and give them feedback on what needs improvement. The lagoons and lakes have suffered over the years due to so much sediment from run off. They could add mechanical treatment on the sewer pipes and also build treatment cells to treat run off from the gulf course. They may also look at the areas used and see if they are being utilized in the best means for the environment and for the public. City Park Conservatory will continue to meet over with summer with communities and stake holders for feedback to gather information.


If you have a prospect, please have them connect with Jacquie Bonano, membership chair at

Thank You & Announcements

Chad Perrier, Universal Data Inc., thanked Lola Lass, Adeeta Corporate Staffing, for talking through the interview process with him for new staff. Stanton Murray, Murray Yacht Sales also thanked Lola Lass for helping him with a non-profit.

Richard Juge, RE/MAX Commercial Sales, thanked Jesse Hoppes, Leaaf Environmental LLC, for referring a client to him for an office space.

Q2 2024 dues reminder.

Upcoming Meeting Schedule

  • June 4 – Membership Event, Ecology with food truck
  • June 18 – Sugarbowl CEO, Jeff Hundley
  • June 21 – River District, Tara Hernandez
  • July 9 – Harry Kelleher Co. & Inc., Harry Kelleher – President
  • July 23 – Editor of, Kimberly – Editor
  • August 6 – Parks & Parkways, Michael Karam, Director
  • August 20 – Jefferson Parish, Public Works Project, Mark Drewes

Check website for updates and bulletins that include upcoming events. Meeting events are on the calendar. Speaker suggestions: contact Program Chairman, Duaine Duffy,