Cynthia Widlitze, President and Sales Coach – Adduco Consulting
GNOEA met via Zoom on Tuesday December 15, 2020 for organization updates and to hear from new GNOEA member, Cynthia Widlitze, Sales Coach and President of Adduco Consulting. Cynthia provided tools and tips on how to help employees understand how to provide “an experience” to clients. C. Widlitze Bio
Adduco Consulting, Adduco meaning, “to lead, to draw out or to persuade”, provides coaching and processes to help increase sales. Widlitze shared information on identifying your client base, how to determine a client’s communication preference, adapting to a client’s communication style, how to ask opened ended questions using words that influence the “sale” and finally, the follow up.
Recording and presentation will be in meeting archives
Membership News
New Member Approved:
Jesse Hoppes, P.G., Professional Geologist/Member
Leaaf Environmental, LLC
Potential Members
New Member Recruitment: If you have a prospect, please have them connect with Julie Couret at
A list of open classifications can be found here.
Brien Lundin suggested inviting the Director of CASA to speak at a future meeting.
Sally Suthon will share video link from Tulane’s presentation on COVID-19 Vaccines: A Community Town Hall.
Kevin Pedeau announced that CR Coffee will re-open their Auction House location at 801 Magazine Street on Wednesday Dec.16th. An e-flier will be sent to members.
Brien Lundin thanked all board members for serving the current term. He announced that Tim Scott has accepted the position of President Elect for the term beginning January 1, 2021. Brien announced that nominations were received for, Farrell Latour, Kevin Pedeaux, and Julie Couret to fill outgoing board members Kevin Nolan, Marcus Azzarello, Robbie Ventura, whose terms expire 12/31/20: A fourth vacancy to fill Tim Scott’s term, ending on 6/30/21, will be filled in January. Lola Lass made a motion, seconded by Justin Farrae to accept nominations to fill said vacancies. No other nominees were presented before the membership. A motion was made by Robert Weinman, seconded by Julie Couret to approve nominees as presented. All were in favor, none opposed. Motion carries.
Everyone should have received an invoice for Q4 Dues – Electronic payment is preferred. Please update your GNOEA mailing address to P.O. Box 113478, Metairie, LA 70011. The address is also on the website.
The first in person breakfast meeting will be held on January 12th at the Walnut Room, Lakefront Airport (8am -9am). This will be Brien Lundin’s first meeting as president.
Upcoming Meeting Schedule
December 22 – OFF
December 29 – OFF
January 5 – OFF
January 12 – Round Table Meeting – The Walnut Room, Lakefront Airport (8am-9am)
January 19 – Zoom – Chip Kline, Executive Assistant to Governor for Coastal Activities and Chairman, Louisiana Coastal Protection and Restoration Board – Coastal Protection in New Orleans
January 26 – Zoom – Ed McCloskey, Attorney – Business Succession Planning
Please login and view the Calendar for meeting login details.
Please contact Brien Lundin, President-Elect / Program Chair if you would like to be added to the presentation schedule or would like to recommend a speaker.
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