State of Jefferson Parish, Cynthia Lee Sheng, Jefferson Parish President

GNOEA members met via Zoom Tuesday, August 24, 2021 for an update on the “State of Jefferson Parish” presented by Jefferson Parish President, Cynthia Lee Sheng.  Ms. Sheng shared the latest COVID numbers for Jefferson Parish noting that daily numbers are on the decline. She reported that the Alario Center will re-open to administer the vaccine Mon – Fri 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. and Saturday’s 8:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. and will also provide in home visits to those who are homebound.

Sheng reviewed several projects in the planning stages such as, providing a health care unit, emergency rental assistance program, infrastructure (currently underway) of drainage and sewerage lines and the expansion of the parish’s IT and broadband capacity to schools and recreational facilities to make it affordable for families. Other projects include; finding ways to reduce costs in energy savings for parish property, using Geotab for the fleet of vehicles to track locations, safety, and emissions. A fire training academy is being developed to train on fire prevention and will be promoted to organizations like the fire department for a fee.

She announced that the Jefferson Protective and Animal Welfare Services (JPAWS) was re-vamped to a rescue shelter.

The Recreation Department: New soccer fields at Lafreniere Park are professional grade fields with the intention to utilize as a revenue generator. Soon a mobile app will be available to check on games, sporting events. A Sports Academy is in the works and will be established at parks that are under utilized.

Sheng stated that the overall health of the parish is measured mostly by sales tax.

To report a complaint you may email Ms. Sheng at, call the hotline 504-364-3540 or complete the form online at

More about the speaker:Sheng Bio

Meeting presentation will be in meeting archives.

Membership News

Potential Members

The Board has voted on the membership application of the following potential member.
Members have until August 30, 2021 to submit an objection due to conflict of interest:
Duaine Duffy, Benefits Analytics – a healthcare consultant, for membership in the classification of Healthcare Insurance.
Guest of: Philip Rebowe, Postlethwaite & Netterville

New Member Recruitment: If you have a prospect, please have them connect with Julie Couret at

A list of open classifications can be found here.

Thank Yous & Announcements

Invocation by:  Tim Scott, Fisher Phillips

Newest member, Valerie Legras (interior designer category) has resigned from membership. Valerie was unable to commit to the meetings.

Q3 2021 dues reminder. Electronic payment is preferred. Contact Cathy Vienne if invoice has not been received.

Tim encouraged members to gently urge other members to attend in person meetings as numbers have declined.

Business Groups: if you are interested in joining or starting a business group to share business and/or personal ideas please reach out to Kevin Pedeaux or Tim Scott, for more information.

Speaker suggestions should be forwarded to program chairman, Kevin Pedeaux at


Upcoming Meeting Schedule

(complimentary parking is available in front of the Rooftop on Basin building)

August 31st – Jesse Hoppes, Leaaf Environmental – Rooftop on Basin

September 7th – No Meeting

September 14th – Nonna Randazzo Bakery – Joel Randazzo – Rooftop on Basin

September 21st – Real Estate Markets – Alison Barrios, Barrios Real Estate Group and Richard Juge, REMAX Commercial Broker – Messina’s at the Terminal

September 28th – Mike Niclosi – Louisiana National Guard Foundation – Messina’s at the Terminal

Please login and view the Calendar for meeting login details.

Please contact Kevin Pedeaux @, President-Elect/ Program Chair if you would like to be added to the presentation schedule or would like to recommend a speaker.