Department of Parks & Parkways
Michael Karam, Director
Thanks to GNOEA member George Messing, Owner Messina’s Catering, for hosting this week’s networking event for GNOEA members at the The Basin St. Station!
Mr. Karam, is Director of the Parks & Parkways department for the City of New Orleans, which manages over 2,000 acres of public parks, squares, recreation areas, neutral grounds, a golf course, and more across New Orleans. These community spaces see over 13 million visits yearly for enjoyment, events, exercise, and neighborhood gatherings. Over 450,000 street trees also line roadways to enhance quality of life.
The department is responsible for 2000 acres of public green space which includes Joseph Bartholomew Golf Course, Jackson Square, Washington Square, Mississippi River Heritage Park, Brechtel Park, and Armstrong Park, and trees including the famous oaks lining major boulevards like Saint Charles Avenue. One main focus for the current administration is planting trees. By 2040 they have a goal for planting 40,000 trees. On staff, Parks and Parkways has 5 arborists, architects, equipment operators, tree contractors, and various staff with approx. 130 employees. Parks and Parkways partners with several organizations in New Orleans to promote and enhance the wellbeing of the community by organizing tree giveaways. Soulanola and The Nola Tree Project are two organizations Parks and Parkways partners with throughout the year. Parks and Parkways believes preserving green spaces remains vital for connecting people and enhancing livability as our city grows.
If you have a prospect, please have them connect with Jacquie Bonano, membership chair at
Thank You & Announcements
Duaine Duffy welcomed new member Nick Wall, KTE Analytics, a data analyzing and AI integration company, referred by Jesse Hoppes, Environmental Services.
Paul Cosma, Uptown Auto, thanked Kenny Knobloch, Help! Air Conditioning and Heating, for his help with his broken A/C.
Duaine Duffy, Benefit Analyst LLC, thanked Kevin Pedeaux, St. Roch Market for a great lunch at the new Italian restaurant in the market. Charles Carriere, Carriere Consulting LLC, also thanked Kevin Pedeaux for a great lunch at St. Roch Market. Charles stated the chef at the Italian sandwich shop has Michelin Star training and it was very delicious.
Q3 2024 dues reminder.
Upcoming Meeting Schedule
- August 20- Jefferson Parish, Mark Drewes – Board meeting to follow
- Sept 3– Happy Labor Day- no meeting
- Sept 10- Jay Cicero, Super Bowl, President/CEO, Greater New Orleans Sports Foundation
- Sept 17- Andrew Legrand, Spera Law Group LLC – Legal Update – Board meeting to follow
- Sept 24- Allstate Sugar Bowl, Jeff Hundley, CEO
- October 1- No meeting
- October 8 – New Orleans Chamber of Commerce, Sandra Lombana Lindquist, president
- October 15 – Matt Jewell, St. Charles Parish President – Board meeting to follow
- October 22 – Daniel Hammer, President/CEO Historic New Orleans Collection
- October 29- No meeting- Happy Halloween!
Check website for updates and bulletins that include upcoming events. Meeting events are on the calendar. Speaker suggestions: contact Program Chairman, Duaine Duffy,
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