Members Enjoy a Coffee Tasting
GNOEA members enjoyed breakfast and a coffee tasting presented by GNOEA member Kevin Pedeaux, President of CR Coffee Shops with catering provided by member George Messina at the Rooftop on Basin St.  It was the perfect meeting space for members to taste and learn about coffees from around around the world.
GNOEA plans to continue a mix of virtual and in-person breakfast meetings until further notice. If you would like to recommend a speaker, please contact Tim Scott.
Thank You & Announcement
Brien Lundin, asked members to pay Q2 2021 dues.
George Rojas, Scheuering Security Service, Inc., thanked Lonnie Smith, Guaranty Sheet Metal Works, for repairing his roof.
George Messina, Messina’s Catering & Events, announced a new Messina’s venue, The Batture Bar. Messina’s is now the premier caterer for Chateau LeMoyne Hotel.
John Lagarde, Classic Cupboards, thanked Kenny Knobloch, HELP! Air Conditioning & Heating, for installing a new air conditioner, he thanked Paul Cosma, Uptown Auto Specialist, for his business and Jesse Hopes, Leaaf Environmental for mentoring his daughter about the business.
Lola Lass, Adeeta Corporate Staffing, thanked Jim Perrier, Universal Data Inc. and Susan Suthon, for their business.
Jacquie Bonano, JB Communications, thanked Kenny Knobloch, HELP! Air Conditioning & Heating for repairing her air conditioner in a timely fashion.
If you have a prospect, please have them connect with Julie Couret at
Upcoming Meeting Schedule
June 15th – Marcus Azzarello, Franklynn Pest Control – Messina’s at the Terminal
June 22nd – Virtual – Michelle Ganon, Chief of Staff and Vice President Public Affairs – Port of New Orleans
Board Meeting
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